Our guidelines are quality, technology and innovation.

At QualityTech, we are able to provide specific technical solutions to any automobile related matter. We help subcontractors to fullfill their obligations towards their customers, we deal with government specifications to make sure Your product follows necessary regulations and provide skilled personell.

Examples of specific services we provide:

- Express solutions in production of a wide range of autmotive products, both standard products and especially developed and engineered according to the needs of the customer

- Sequence batching of goods for Just-In-Time production

- Surface treatment expertice, metals and composites

- Troubleshooting; Are You experiencing trouble with Your line of production? Does Your Just-In-Time scheme suffer timetable problems or lack of proper sequencing? Our expert personell will seek out the problem and work out a solution.

- Automotive engineering; Wrong size? Doesn't fit? Problems with chemical reactions on colour or material? Short deadline? We help You get back on track.

- Warehousing